
Welcome to
Thrive Again!

Chief Coach: Chad Moore
Chief Student: Chad Moore

Observations, Reports, & Tales…

On life as one who has plowed through deep grief and hopelessness after losing my spouse to cancer and walked out the the other side. Now married to Amanda, father of four thriving young adults, business owner and coach.

Encouragement, Inspiration and Motivation
to Thrive Again!

What’s next?
Sign up to receive my blog posts via email. You won’t miss them. There is a form at the top of the page.

On the website:

  • Long form, posts on living Fit, Faithful & Fruitful lives as you move through grief and loss.
  • Motivation to train with purpose: dare to love like you haven’t lost, celebrate your departed spouse, bring hope to your children, live faithfully, enjoy the benefits of being fit and thrive again!
  • Resources to help you get started with endurance training. (In Process)
  • Lots more to come!

On Facebook:

  • Anyone is welcome to join the conversation as we connect for encouragement, assistance and find kindred spirits in this journey through grief and beyond into thriving again!
  • Tips on living fit, faithful and fruitful lives
  • Short updates on pics from tales of life.
  • Training updates and motivation

On Twitter:

  • Workout of the Day (WOD) to get you moving
  • Short inspiration for perspiration
  • Scripture verses
  • Use hashtag #ThriveAgain if you’re commenting.

What’s With The URL?
(If you’re still reading and in case you missed it, the Thriving Again website points to bgoneb9bhealed.com, my old blog, for now)

“B-Gone, B-9, B-Healed” developed as a tag line within the first month of blogging Kristi’s battle with breast cancer. It captured in shorthand our hope and faith while keeping us focused on our ultimate goal.


A prayer for disease to be removed. It formed the baseline for all the prayers that Kristi and I prayed. It’s how our support team prayed. It wasn’t answered for her in the way we wanted but that doesn’t keep me from praying it for you… that your life would be disease free.


B-9 rhymes with benign. It’s a simultaneous prayer and declaration that any mass or tumor be found harmless.


The ultimate goal is complete restoration of body, soul and spirit to wholeness. That’s what Thrive Again is about. The absence of disease or simply lack of progression does not mean healing has occurred. This prayer keeps us focused on the end goal. We don’t want to just be disease free, we want to be fully well, fully alive! Its why we train. Healing from grief takes time. Training accelerates the process! Train to live fit, faithful and fruitful lives!

Its a Way of Life

What started as a battle cry has morphed into a motto for life. It reminds me to stay focused on the Spirit of liberty to bring love and healing to those in my life.