Drill and Vise for dad tasks

Dad Stuff

Loved today! A full day of doing dad stuff. Got the tires rotated and oil changed on my daughter’s car. Then spent the afternoon assembling IKEA furniture for my boys’ room. Kristi never did these kind of tasks. There were exclusively my domain. It felt right. I wasn’t bumbling around, trying to figure stuff out (other than deciphering the IKEA pictographs…). I was in my element. Sweet!

As New Year’s comes and goes, I encourage you to find some time to do some stuff that’s in your domain. I know the stress that comes with all the other tasks you get to deal with now. Whether you’re good at them or not, they’re yours. So take some time to do your thing. Do Dad stuff!

PS I swam this morning too. 2000 yards. Was trying out my new swim paddles I got for Christmas.